Clever pranks to pull on your flat mates at University

At University you’ll have plenty of spare time on your hands and what else better to do than prank your flat mates? Here’s my top 5 awesome pranks to do.

  1. Cutlery in the freezer – Simply get all of your flat mates cutlery and put them in a bowl, either lying down or standing them up and fill with water then put into the freezer overnight. This is best done when your flat mate is in bed. Clever and effective.
  2. Filled cups in bedroom – This prank is a famous one to do at University. Buy a load of plastic cups (Pound land is good for this) and fill the cups with water and begin to fill the bedroom with the cups of water. There is no entering or escaping from this.cups-funny-uni-dormroom-prank1
  3. Glass upside down with water – Quick and easy prank to do. Fill a glass with water then use a hard cover book to cover the top and turn the glass upside down on it. Place the glass on a surface then slowly remove the book from the bottom. This will take some practice and patience but will be worth it! photo-1
  4. Rearranging their kitchen cupboards – One of life’s little annoying things is not being able to find any of your belongings. 
  5. Hide an alarm clock – This must be done with caution as this is probably the meanest out of them all. Get an alarm clock or set their phone alarm to whatever time you desire and wait for the trouble to commence.

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